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Henry VIII. online

Kurs abgeschlossen

Kursnummer 24-52121
Beginn Do., 25.04.2024, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Dauer 1 Termin
Kursort vhs.online
Entgelt entgeltfrei
Teilnehmende 5 - 21


Online-Vortrag. Online-Anmeldung unbedingt erforderlich!
Dieser Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten!
As the second born son Henry Tudor wasn’t originally destined to become king of England, but ascended in succession to the throne because of the death of his elder brother Arthur. The athletic, charismatic and well educated monarch was widely popular at the time of his ascension. The further course of his rule however was overshadowed by his fall out with the Roman Catholic church because of the pope’s refusal to annul his first marriage. His six marriages, two of which ended with the execution of the respective wife, his brutality against dissenters and his increasing physical decay and mental prostration tainted his reign. Today Henry VIII. is often seen as a prime example of the corrupting effect of power, while at the same time he is remembered as a strong ruler who left his mark on English history like few kings before or since.

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