
Hier eine aktuelle Übersicht der Angebote der Sommer-VHS:


Language is communication B1/B2

Keine Anmeldung möglich

Kursnummer 24-33405D
Beginn Mo., 08.04.2024, 19:30 - 21:00 Uhr
Dauer 11 Termine
Kursort VHS, Kampstraße 47
Entgelt 101,20 €
Teilnehmende 5 - 14


If you want to improve your English skills in order to communicate with other people, whether on holiday, at work or in other situations, this is the course for you. We use the book "In conversation II" as a basis for an interactive, flexible and up-to-date course in which the emphasis is on social and functional spoken English. We'll practice speaking and listening using different activities, such as games, role plays, exercises and discussions.

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