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Unicorns and other fable equines - englischer online-Vortrag

Anmeldung möglich

Kursnummer 24-52518
Beginn Fr., 15.11.2024, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Dauer 1 Termin
Entgelt entgeltfrei
Teilnehmende 5 - 50


Online-Vortrag. Online-Anmeldung unbedingt erforderlich!
The domestication ofhorses and their high appreciation by humans have broughtforth many myths and legends about equine or partly equinecreatures. Apart from the unicorn as the most famous, furtherexamples include the pegasus, centaurs and the hippogriff. While in human society horses have lost most of theirsignificance as working animals the emotional bonding between humans and horses never waned. In the same manner equinecreatures in our myths and legends have maintained and even expanded their spot in modern pop culture.

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